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My Books

Salmon Stream

Illustrated by Michael Maydak

Salmon have a wonderful life cycle. They hatch in fresh water, hide from predators in rocky gravel, change colors as they change habitats, and swim hundreds of miles on their life journeys.
Salmon Stream won a Teacher's Choice Award Learning Magazine; was named an Outstanding Science Trade Book by the NSTA and the Children's Book Council; and was a 2002 nominee for the Young Readers' Choice Award with WLMA.

The Tree in the Ancient Forest

Illustrated by Christopher Canyon

What animals and plants depend upon a 300-year-old tree? Find out in this book. I used the Mother Goose rhyme, "This is the house that Jack built," as my structure for this book. In nature, everything really is interconnected!
The Tree in the Ancient Forest won the 1996 Benjamin Franklin Medal for Best Children's Picture Book, Publishers Marketing Association.

Hildegard of Bingen: Woman of Vision
Hildegard's life story is so interesting that some scholars have devoted their entire careers to studying her life and works. Pages 52 and 53 of this book have a study guide to Hildegard of Bingen and her music, writings, and remedies. You may find that you want to become a Hildegard scholar.

Hildegard of Bingen: Woman of Vision

Hildegard was a writer, healer, diplomat, traveling preacher, philosopher, composer and naturalist--all at a time when most women did few of these things. In this biography, explore Hildegard's life through her words and the words of her contemporaries, people who wrote to her and about her. Sing one of her songs. Re-create one of her remedies. See the places she lived, the alphabet she created. Experience life from a Medieval perspective!

Developing an All-School Model for Elementary Integrative Learning

A philosophical lens study investigating the potential for increasing informal music-making throughout the school day, similar to the way music is integrated into the fabric of many oral-tradition cultures. Literature from four distinct traditions and contexts of music-making in integrative sociocultural contexts was investigated to determine possible areas of intersection between these four participatory cultures and North American public school culture.